Tuesday 24 January 2017

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Lord of the Flies is an award wining novel by an English writer William Golding. The author has been awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

The plot is built around a group of British boys who got in a plane crush and ended up on uninhabited island without elders. The novel collides the survival instincts and humanity in boys aged 9-13 while they are trying to live on the island. As days go, they lose hope for being rescued and established their own social order. In a very democratic way, the order satisfy the most but does not fit the needs of all of them causing a split.

The novel is a very complex and heavy on one's mind while showcasing kids' cruelty and will for power. Lord of the Flies has a lot of controversial reviews as the story questions nature and nurture human behaviour.

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