Friday 3 March 2017

Lives of The Saints by Nino Ricci

Lives of The Saints is a novel written by the Canadian author, Nino Ricci with Italian origins in 1990. 

The setting of the story is Italy, small village Valle del Sole in 1960s. The novel brings up social issues of the designated time period and with the focus on gender inequality, marginalization social prejudice towards women. The main character of the story is a young Vittorio Innocente whose mother has become a victim of social judgment and would not yield to the society for she believed in equality. As the situation between the Innocentes and the villagers starts to escalate, young Vittorio becomes the next victim of social judgment. 

When young Vittorio Innocente's mother, Cristina, is bitten by a snake during an encounter with a blue-eyed stranger in the family barn, the superstitions and prejudices rampant in their small Italian town immediately roil t the surface. But the worst is yet to come for the independent-minded Cristina. Eight months pregnant and unable to abide her treatment in the village any longer, she books a passage to Canada for herself and Vittorio, although it will not be to join her irascible husband Mario, who sailed there when Vittorio was an infant.

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